$1 billion for a 100 mpg gasoline sedan an evil Republican

$1 billion for a 100 mpg gasoline sedan an evil Republican

AutoWeek slamming an idea from a Republican Congressman that I’ve never heard of that is apparently part of an evil plan by the entire Republican Party — even those few that actually helped make plug-in tax credits a reality — to crush the whole idea of increased fuel economy. $1 billion for an automaker to develop a 100 mpg gasoline sedan.
“It’s all pretend,” claimed author Davey G. Johnson.

Davey, Davey, Davey. So why then does Utah Professor of Mechanical Engineering Dan Adams disagree?

In COMPOSITES IN CARS, Mr. Adams suggests that a 100 mpg gasoline vehicle is actually quite possible, even without hybrid technology, using advanced composites — something I bet that will become a reality. When is the harder question to ponder. Nevertheless, add hybrid technology to such a composite vehicle and I’d assume that potential becomes even more real. What’s required is a breakthrough in composite manufacturing and production, which such a bill could theoretically help make happen.